


All court scenes are portrayals of hypothetical scenarios.


家庭暴力 Checklist for LitigantsPDF下载 was also created to accompany the videos above, and offers further information about the domestic violence process. If you would like to download these 3 videos for use in your circuit, please contact vcsupport@witchlightrp.com. 


benchcardPDF下载 提供法定参考资料, 定义, and additional resources for judges who are confronted with animal abuse in their cases.


NCJFCJ准备了一份 目录PDF下载 of 可用 publications from the Family Violence and Domestic Relations Program.


2023年佛罗里达州性暴力基准PDF下载 is a comprehensive resource guide for judges who are on the criminal bench and anticipate that they will hear cases involving sexual violence. 的 benchbook provides information on the 听证会 that courts routinely hold, complete with flowcharts and checklists designed to provide at-a-glance as well as in-depth analysis of the criminal procedures impacted by the nature of the crime.


 这 信息图表 PDF下载provides a quick look at what constitutes strangulation, 一些关于绞杀的统计数据, and some of the devastating effects of it.



UCCJEA, Hague, PKPA, and ICARA – 的 Alphabet of Custody Jurisdiction: What Judges Need to Know

Faculty: NCJFCJ President, Judge Gayl Branum Carr, and NCJFCJ Past President, Judge Hiram Puig Lugo

部分由NCJFCJ赞助. NCJFCJ提供了一个 免费的 1-year judicial membership to all Florida judges who attend this webinar in person.

When: Feb 23, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time
请提前登记参加本次网络研讨会: http://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m8cooDEdQpCRiYgG0F3c9Q

登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


1.    Define and explain the provisions of the UCCJEA, Hague, PKPA and ICARA
2.    Analyze and apply the provisions to frequently encountered jurisdictional issues



的 Last Drop - Film Screening and Discussion on Dating Violence

2024年3月5日上午10:00 -美国东部时间下午12点

View the short film and join in a discussion with Adam Joel, 生产者, 以及伊丽莎白·埃斯皮诺萨法官, 11日电路

今天, many young adults face conflicting messages in popular culture about what makes for a healthy relationship. 技术
is creating new opportunities for connection while at the same time offering new methods for abuse and control. 社会
media and tracking technologies offer unparalleled ways to stay close to friends and partners. 与此同时,科技可以做到
be twisted by abusers to stalk, monitor and control a partner. 的 Last Drop explores coercive control through the lens of an
imagined futuristic technology that allows young people to share memories. 这是对煤气灯概念的曲解, it also allows for the manipulation of memories to create the image of a happy relationship when the actual relationship was abusive. 的 film uses futuristic tech-oriented storytelling to connect with a young audience about the dynamics of control in relationships that don’t involve physical violence.



登记后, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


的 Advanced 家庭暴力 Course is now 可用. Created in unison with the Florida State University, users can obtain up to 10 CLE's for completing all 8 chapters by referencing course 2301782N (2024年9月30日前有效). Judges may request 10 CJE's credit for their participation by referencing course 21-120.

的列表 全国培训活动, 请参阅 National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence.

For events sponsored and/or hosted by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 请参阅 NCJFCJ日历.    

If you have questions about upcoming events, please email the 家事法庭办事处 at vcsupport@witchlightrp.com.
